Miles Cochran-Branson

Second-year PhD Student at University of Washington


Seattle, WA, 98195

Hi! I’m Miles, a PhD student studying experimental, high energy, particle, physics. I’m interested in all things physics, in particular computational and mathematical physics and machine learning applications to fundamental experiment. Primarily, I am an experimentalist but am always looking to expand my horizons.

Currently, I am affiliated with the ATLAS collaboration at CERN through the University of Washington. The analysis I work on is focused on tau leptons; in particular, I am part of the team measuring the \(H \to \tau\tau\) cross-section in the boosted regime and in measuring spin correlations in the \(Z \to \tau\tau\) decay channel. Previously, I worked on the legacy Run 2 \(H \rightarrow \tau\tau\) cross-section measurement and on algorithm development for \(\tau\) energy scale calibration at the ATLAS experiment using a novel Mixture-Density-Network approach.

I was recently awarded the WATCHEP fellowship. This fellowship provides two years of funding in research in computation related to high-energy particle physics. For this fellowship, I am working on various implementations of tracking for particle physics as-a-serivce. This includes GPU acceleration as-a-service with an implementation of the existing tracking library traccc and GNN as-a-servive for the GNN4ITk project.

Selected Publications


  1. Differential Cross-Section Measurements of Higgs Boson Production in the \(H →ττ \)Decay Channel in \(pp  \)Collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
    ATLAS Collaboration
    Jul 2024